2017年7月31日 星期一

島民|花間小鹿陶瓷花器Deer in Blossom

島民|花間小鹿陶瓷花器Deer in Blossom

來自【有.設計uDesign】,尺寸:L10XW13 XH10 cm 材質:全瓷 植物能從花器頂端向上延伸有如新生的鹿角,象徵著希望、雀躍的訊息。 自在隨性坐臥在花間裡的小鹿,帶著我們進入人與自然和平共存的空間。 The plants springing upwards from the top of the planter are like deer horns that symbolize life, hope and delight. The deer sitting relaxingly amidst the blossom leads us into a world where humankind and nature live peacefully together.

島民|花間小鹿陶瓷花器Deer in Blossom











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島民|花間小鹿陶瓷花器Deer in Blossom


